
The Best DIY Acne Treatment!


Hello everyone!

Today I’m going to share with you one of my favourite DIY acne treatments that worked for me and a few of my friends. Acne is something I have always suffered with ever since I was in high school. It wasn’t terrible but I always knew my pimples were there. I got the occasional pimples, a few on my chin, cheek and forehead.

So, after doing research, I never knew how much a banana peel could do for my skin. YES, a banana peel. What I have been doing every time I get a pimple is cut a small piece of a ripened banana peel and rub it in circular motions all over my face until the inside turns brown. You have the option of leaving it on over night, or allowing it to sit for 3-5 minutes and rinsing it off. By doing this, your skin will absorb the nutrients and vitamins from the banana peel!  I try to do this twice a day if it isn’t being left on my skin over night. This did wonders for me and friends that I have recommended it to.


It may sound crazy but it works wonders! Has anyone tried this before? let me know in the comments section!xo


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